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Solo Painting Exibition- Savendana - A new Generation Emotion
'SANWEDNA' next generation's eMOTION - By Shivam Rajendra Mantri
Shivam's solo painting exhibition 'SANWEDNA' next generation's eMOTION based on Global warming will be held on 12,13,14 June at art gallery Mahant Ghasidas Sangralaya Near Ghadi chowk Raipur.
He is the First kid in Chattissgrah state who's solo exhibition will display at M.G.S art gallery. Nearly 35nos.of paintings with water colour medium in half sheet size will display.
on Environment Day (5th June) Chattissgrah Govt.given spl.honor to Shivam for his work.
Born :28-11-1995
National laity- Indian
Presently : Studying in class X
English MediumH.S.S.,Sector -10
Bhilai Steel Plant., Bhilai Chattisgarh.
VID- Classical Gayan IKSVV(Chattisgarh)
Participating: C.G State Environment Painting Competition -2010.
C.G Level Hitavada Calender Painting Competition-2010.
National Level Energy Conservation Painting Competition-2005
Bhilai Steel Plant Safety Painting Competition -2006
Azadi Ke Rang Painting Competition -2008
Dainik Bhaskar Super Chitrakar-2003.
Honours: Winner Of Hitavada Calender Painting Competition-2010.
3rd Prize in 2006 & 2009 Safety Painting Competition Bhilai Steel Plant
Consolation Prize In Azadi Ke rang – 2003.
Consolation Prize In National Child Labor Project Competition -2006.
Super Chitrakar Award May 2003 Dainik Bhaskar.
Several awards In School & Inter School Level.
Address : Block – 5A, Street-43, Sector 7,
Bhilai District – Durg(C.G)
Mobile no :-09993079038.
Inspiration SMS and message - 1
There are only two important moments in a man`s life... First When he was born n Second When he proves Why he was born...
When The Winds Of Change Blow... Some People Build Walls And Others Windmills Attitude Matters (-:
Beautiful Message by Mother Teresa: "f you cannot love a person whom you see, then how can you love GOD whom you have never seen"
If u cant find the brighter side of life.. Then polish the darker side Attitude of Adjustment is the only instrument to live a life..
If u cant find the brighter side of life.. Then polish the darker side Attitude of Adjustment is the only instrument to live a life..
D o n ` t W i s h I t W a s E a s i e r, R a t h e r W i s h Y o u W e r e B e t t e r . . . =)
Success isn`t a matter of being d best N winning d race. Success is a matter of handling d worst N still finishing d race.
Our life begins vth our cry n ends vth another's cry. Try 2 fill dis gap vth as much laughter as possible.let Live life 2 da fullest.
"We have not lost faith, but we have transferred it from God to the medical profession."
Two things in this world are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. But I`m not so sure about the first one."
World Environment Day - spread the message
2. Bring a cloth bag to do all you’re shopping. But not just for groceries, even on your trips to the mall.
3. Car – pool or choose a Hybrid. Hybrid cars produce 90% less pollutants than comparable non hybrid cars. Cut you carbon footprint by changing to energy – efficient bulbs.
4. Don’t run the water when brushing your teeth .You will save as much as 3 gallons every time!
5. Engage in an environmental activity like school or neighborhood beautification or tree-planting. Educate your friends on how individual actions can have an exponential impact and motivate action for World Environment Day.
6. Find an unusual insect in your garden. Fewer than 10% of the World’s described species have been assessed to determine their conservation status. Form a group of peers or colleagues to oversee the greening of your school, neighborhood or workplace with recycling, car-pooling, energy-efficiency.
7. Give Memberships to an environmental organization or seedlings as birthday gifts.
8. Clean up your neighborhood, carpool with friends, have a vegan (no animal products) and don’t forget to register your activity on World Environment Day website.
9. Identify the nature that surrounds you- take note of the beautiful plants and animals that you may not always appreciate .Improve the insulation of your home – it will really help your energy consumption and your monthly bills.
10. Join the local environmental or conservation group .you can team those around you and make a real difference for your community. Jog outside and save energy you would have used on the treadmill!
11. Don’t print unless its absolutely necessary. And when you do print – print double sided.
12. Learn more about Rwanda, this years host country. . Leave a WED legacy. For every action registered on the site, $10 will go towards the gorilla conservation in Rwanda.
13. Message your friends about World Environment Day – face book, twitter, orkut, SMS, text, phone, email- it doesn’t matter hw, just get the word out .
14. Optimize the use of your washing machine – use the cold wash option and significantly save energy and reduce your carbon emissions. Offset your travel whenever possible – most airlines provide an option to offset your travel when you book your tickets.
15. The International Energy Agency estimates that standby mode could be causing a full 1 % of the worlds greenhouse gas emissions.
16. Quantity how much money you could save each winter if you lowered the temperature inside your home by 2 degree Celsius. It could reduce your energy consumption by 14%
17. Sacrifice something a small each month – eat local fruit instead of the imported fruit, do without steak, carpool with co-workers.
18. Think about your daily routine – turn out your lights when leaving a room. Just by making a few small changes you could cut your daily emissions by more than 60%.
19. Understand you options. Learn about the small ways you, as an individual , can make a positive impact on the environment .