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Good Friday Sms Message - 2

Da message of Good Friday is dat da dictum of "an eye 4 an eye" cannot work. Da way 2 conquer evil iz through good. Similarly, violence can be overcome only by non-violence, and hatred by love.
Da cross was 2 pieces of dead wood; and a helpless, unresisting Man was nailed 2 it; yet it was mightier dan da world, and triumphed & will ever triumph over it.
Death iz da justification of all da ways of da Christian, da last end of all his sacrifices, da touch of da Great Master which completes da picture.
Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on da tree, dat we, being dead 2 sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.
Thinking of U onGood Fridayand praying datda Lord keep uin his Luving care always...
May da glory of our Saviorstrengthen uand May His GracesShine Upon uOn Good Friday & always!
May da light of daLord's luvshine on u andBrighten ur Hearton dis Holy Dayand Always. **************
Praying dat da LordHolds u in His LuvAnd blesses u widHis grace... on disHoly Day & always!**************
Mercy, Pleace & LuvMay da grace & Lord...surround u & b wid uon Good Friday
I am da witness2 his fearless death.I am a token of hislast promise -4givenessI am da CROSSBlessings on Good Friday
And he said 2 them, 'Thus it iz written,dat da Messiah is 2 sufferand 2 rise frm da dead on da 3rd day...May God Bless You on this Holy Day
He showed us da wayHe has long been goneAnd yet in our heartsHis name shines on....Wish u a Holy Friday!
Pray 2 da HolyShepherdKiss his tender feetdat he lead u everAnd hear ur bleat...Wish u a sacred Friday!
He bore it all in silenceBcoz He held us dearMay He recieve our regardsMay our Prayers he hear...Celebrate Good Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice sms.
    I am sharing some of my favorite

    I’m wishing you a marriage that is
    Less argument, more bonding
    Less nagging, more loving
    Less worry, more laughter
    Stay stronger and better
    Happy anniversary!
