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Look At The Brightness Of The Lamp ... Not The Darkness Underneath It .. Optimism Isn`t A Attribute,Its A Way Of Life ... (:

There are only two important moments in a man`s life... First When he was born n Second When he proves Why he was born...

When The Winds Of Change Blow... Some People Build Walls And Others Windmills Attitude Matters (-:

Beautiful Message by Mother Teresa: "f you cannot love a person whom you see, then how can you love GOD whom you have never seen"

If u cant find the brighter side of life.. Then polish the darker side Attitude of Adjustment is the only instrument to live a life..

If u cant find the brighter side of life.. Then polish the darker side Attitude of Adjustment is the only instrument to live a life..

D o n ` t W i s h I t W a s E a s i e r, R a t h e r W i s h Y o u W e r e B e t t e r . . . =)

Success isn`t a matter of being d best N winning d race. Success is a matter of handling d worst N still finishing d race.

Our life begins vth our cry n ends vth another's cry. Try 2 fill dis gap vth as much laughter as possible.let Live life 2 da fullest.

"We have not lost faith, but we have transferred it from God to the medical profession."

Two things in this world are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. But I`m not so sure about the first one."

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