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Friendship day SMS Message -28

· A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.

· My friendship is nothing but a round, Wandering why? Because it has no end .

· FRIENDSHIP is vast like UNIVERSE. Deep like OCEAN. High like SKY. Strong like IRON. Kind like MOTHER. & cute like ME.

· I wanna keep3 things: . . The SUN The MOON & My friends Sun 4 daytime Moon for night time & U.My dear friend 4 LIFETIME

· U waited 9 months 2 c d world 1yr 2 walk 2yrs 2 talk 5yrs 2 start studying BUT i really waited too many years 2 find a sweet friend like U !

· Sacrifice is greater than Love, Character is greater than Beauty; Humanity is greater than Wealth, But nothing is greater than Friendship

· Be slow in choosing a friend & slower while loosing them bcoz friendship is not an opportunity its a sweet responsibility.

· Friendship opens many doors each with a different view but none could be more beautiful view than the door that leads to u

· Make a heart which never breaks, make a smile which never hurts, make a touch which never pains, make a friendship which never ends

· This is a message from a friend to a friend for a friend to be a friend so that a friend remains a friend of a friend ho is a friend forever

· True friends are like Diamonds? they are real and rare. False friends are like leaves? they are scattered everywhere.

· A Friend Is Someone Who Knows The Song In Ur Heart And Can Sing It Back To You, When U Have Forgotten The Words..!!

· A triangle has 4 end, square has 3 end, segment has 2 end, but our friendship has no end.

· As precious as u r to me, As precious no one can ever be, I know friends r hard to choose, But u r a friend I never want to lose.

· Flower are many But i like rose. Friends are many But I like u.

· When u rise up, Your friend know who you are. When you fall down, You know who your friend are.

· Make a friend its a Gift ! Have a friend its a Grace ! Keep a friend its a Virtue but Be a good friend its a honor !

· Love is like a chewing gum, it tastes only in the beginning! But friendship is like chocolate, it tastes till it ends!

· It is not necessary to share everything between your true friends But it is necessary that what u share must be true..

· Don't make friends before understanding & don't break a friendship after misunderstanding.

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