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Love Message

Love Message

1) Love is a blessing , sincere and true, Love speaks volume,Simpe and New
Love is a treasure hard to conquer, Love is a pleasure because my love is U.

2) Man love flower, flower love due.
You love other , I love u.


4) You touch my heart like sunshine on cold winter day,
Your voice is like the summer breeze that blows the clouds away
I want to be with you everyday.

5) Love not always create mystery, but always create history.

6) The sky is bluer blue, the sun is brighter too,
And love comes smiling through,
Just because I love u.

7) Love is flame which burns in heaven & where soft reflection radiate to us,
It is by which we approach god.

8) Love brings down heaven to the earth and it is the basis of life,
It makes you courage , young & beautiful never loose it.

9) The bridge of love have pillars of understanding,Strings of emotions , with
balance Point of symbiosis… to live together….throughout life time…

10) A few momements of love are far more better than years of life without love
So enjoy them.

11) When I get to wondering what life is all about, why I am here on this earth,
I smile as I relaise I was made to love you.

12) Every time I see you, the dimensions of my heart and viscosity of my work
Increases and peace of my mind collapse , Is It LOVE?

13) Love is not a simple word to define , but to me love is a shared feeling of
two People blessed to the lucky few by our almighty divine.

14) Love burns iternally when its true,
Love burns externally when its true,
Te more I think of you , the more I LOVE U.

15) I have purchased tons of stationery & litres of ink for sending letter to you
But what is needed is a teaspoonful of courage to say I LOVE U.

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